Italian Gingerbread Cake with Brandy Butter & Masterpiece Theatre

On Sunday nights growing up, this song signaled that it was time for bed.  At first I thought this was just cleverly timed – a gentle reverse alarm clock.  As I grew, I realized my parents weren’t so much wanting me to get a good night’s sleep at the close of the weekend as they were DESPERATE to watch the next installment of whatever BBC drama was on the screen that week.

I may or may not (read: may) have my own little addiction to Downton Abbey.  Why?  Characters, drama, romance, war tensions, and also…the kitchen.  Those pots!  The oversized pottery bread bowls.  The pudding molds.

And so, today’s recipe is certainly relevant for the holiday – who doesn’t want to tuck into a warm gingerbread cake with a spoonful of decadent brandy butter? – yet it is also antiquated. Picture this being served to you by a man in an immaculate suit on a silver tray whilst you overhear the latest bit of news about Lady Buttersworth (she is a distant relative of Mrs Buttersworth) and her suitor, Earl of Grey (he makes a nice, smokey tea).

If you cannot arrange to have this served to you, please consider making it for yourself (or serving – from the right side of course – someone else).

Happy holidays (and brandy butter kisses).