
well-cooked life pie holiday pie
Happy Holidays from Well-Cooked Life!
italian cherry pie with ginger and graham
So, I tried not to think about it.  But, like all emotional baggage, tragedy does not fit into the overhead
whole grain apple pie buttermilk crust
This pie is cousin to the tart tatin, lover of the tart, delicate sister of the traditional apple pie or
My bedroom door swings open. “Jamie, please knock next time,” my husband tells our 12 1/2 year old. A shrug.
I might be falling in love. Never met the person, never will.  And yet.  The mix tapes!  I was always
It’s difficult to make the transition from talking about someone in the present tense to the past.  Grandma Ruth likes
Whole Grain Pumpkin Twists with Maple Glaze & Welcome to the Well-Cooked Life Those who know me (either personally or
Dear Canada, Thanks for making winter boots that actually keep my feet warm and dry.  We try to imitate your
If you like shark week – with its gory images of multiple rows of slicing teeth and overly dramatic voice-overs
You know you want this. We have a two snack per day rule in our house (gasp!) and one of
Rosh Hashana Recipe & Happy New Year
This morning Will, 4, asks for paper so he can make a book about “Evan the Horse.”  He knows no
I’ve kept you waiting, I know.  And you, unlike my children who can be amused by “find something in the
Actually, it’s not a siesta at all.  It’s the anti-siesta.  No lounging, no meandering, just lots of work.  I’m busy
Q: What happens when you visit the in-laws for vacation but the East Coast shuts down because of Irene*? A:
Advice and observations from my children: Don’t let other people make you feel bad because most of the time they’re
Ok, so the NYT isn’t wrong.  I just disagree with this article here in which the author describes his terrific “plugged-in
“Are you making sauce?” Julia asks. “It’s actually soup,” I say. “Actually, it’s ketchup,” Will says.  He’s 4 and everything
“Uh, Mom?  How do you close an ironing board?” This, from Jamie, age 12. I remember how this action baffled
Fall was always my favorite season.  Maybe it will be again but when I became a parent I realized the