I’m the kind of baker who likes the load a bunch of foodstuffs in a bowl and see what happens. This is the School of Anti-Baking. Sometimes this results in oven explosions or brownies that resemble moose turds but most of the time I have enough of the science down to have it work.
“What’re adding?” Julia wants to know.
“I don’t know yet.”
She watches me and then, out of nowhere says, “Can I have a threeway?”
Huh? If I were the kind of parent who cursed in front of her kids I might have said, “What the fuck did you just say?” But I am not that kind of parent so I thought that and said, “Excuse me?”
“A threeway,” she rolled her eyes as if I should of course know what she means. “Like, cranberries, chocolate chips, and carrot shreds?”
“Oh. Sure.”
And so the Breakfast Loaf began to take shape as I lost a year or two from my life.